Weather co uk

What is the most accurate weather site UK?

The Met Office is rated as the strongest of the main digital weather forecast providers in terms of consumer perceptions of accuracy, with a Consumer Accuracy Index of 79.1 for first and second providers, compared to an average of 75.8 for the other digital brands surveyed.

What is the website for The Weather Channel?

TWC provided numerous customized forecasts for online users through its website,, including home and garden, and event planning forecasts.

How do I get my local weather on the Weather Channel?

The Weather Channel

  1. Press the MENU button once or the HOME button twice, depending on your remote.
  2. Select Weather.
  3. Highlight the current location.
  4. Scroll to the right and select Add Location.
  5. Enter ZIP Code or City Name and select your desired result.

Is there a weather Channel UK?

The group has partnered with US network The Weather Channel for the service, which will provide UK weather forecasts through its TiVO set-top box, as well as on its website and mobile website. …

Is Met Office more accurate than BBC?

In the UK, the BBC app has the most users, followed by the Met Office's. … In a composite measure of accuracy, the Weather Channel and Weather Underground came top, AccuWeather fifth, MeteoGroup (the BBC's new provider) sixth and the BBC ninth (based on Met Office forecasts).

Where has the best weather all year round?

Here are the 12 best places to live for good weather all year!

  • Boise, ID.
  • Charleston, SC.
  • Henderson, NV.
  • Honolulu, HI.
  • Orlando, FL.
  • San Diego, CA.
  • Santa Barbara, CA.
  • Santa Fe, NM.

How do I get in touch with The Weather Channel?

Contact of The Weather Channel (TV) customer service

  1. Headquarters. The Weather Channel. 300 Interstate North Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA 30339.
  2. Customer Service. Phone: 770 226 0000 (corporate) Email: [email protected] (Android app support) Web: Support.
  3. About The Weather Channel.