Harry potter karakter analizi

Harry Potter starts out as a friendly and curious child. He gets to know people who become very close to him. His two best friends, Ron and Hermione, and his godfather, Sirius Black, help and care about him. … He risks his own life and in the end he defeats Voldemort, sees a friend die, and gets by with a narrow escape.06-Mar-2012

What character traits is Harry Potter?

Harry's defining traits, as they have been throughout the series, are bravery, determination, and self-sacrifice. A true Gryffindor, Harry responds to every crisis with courage and resolve.

What is Harry Potter’s flaw?

Harry: hot-tempered, impulsive, lacks intellectual curiosity, terrible with girls. Ron: low self-esteem, lacks confidence, lazy, easily angered, also terrible with girls. Hermione: bossy know-it-all, lacks creativity, trusts books too much, no life outside the library and the Trio.

Why is Harry Potter an important character?

Harry is the main character of the series – so it makes sense that his character arc is also the most detailed one. Harry had to learn a lot of things, defeat many dangers and enemies before he could finally lead a peaceful life with his wife Ginny and three children.

Why Harry is the best character?

Harry Potter: 5 Reasons Harry Was A Better Character (& 5 Reasons It Was Voldemort)

  1. 1 VOLDEMORT WAS BETTER: He Had A Maintained Impact In The Cursed Child.
  2. 2 HARRY WAS BETTER: He Won. …
  3. 3 VOLDEMORT WAS BETTER: His Early Life Was Relatively Mysterious. …
  4. 4 HARRY WAS BETTER: We Got To Know Him Throughout His Entire Childhood. …

What are the Gryffindor traits?

Traits. Gryffindor's founder, Godric Gryffindor The Gryffindor house emphasised the traits of courage as well as "daring, nerve, and chivalry", and thus its members were generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. Some Gryffindors had also been noted to be short-tempered.

How is Harry Potter humble?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone emphasizes the virtue of humility by showcasing the extraordinary modesty of its hero and by making this modesty an important part of Harry's success in obtaining the Sorcerer's Stone. … But Harry does not stop being humble when he gains fame, wealth, and popularity at Hogwarts.

What is the conclusion of Harry Potter?

At the end of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, good conquers evil on many levels. Most obviously, Harry – with the help of his friends – keeps Voldemort from taking the Sorcerer's Stone. By doing so, they stop the Dark Lord from getting eternal life.